Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

Just in case you didn't get the are a few of my favorite things in my apartment

The first thing to greet me as I entered my apartment in Berlin was not this Chicken, it was a man by the name of Stephan Hann. I am staying in his apartment with him. He is a fashion designer/artist that makes clothes out of paper and other salvaged materials - Click here for some examples of his work . He is very nice and extremely interesting but also leaves me to my own devises most of the time which is great. He is also a bit of a neat freak and insists that I dry the tiles and bath after every shower I take - For me that really takes some getting used to!

This chicken was in fact the second thing to great did give me quite the greeting though!

This is the freundlich little fellow that greets me every morning and reminds me to dry the above mentioned shower (he does tend to mumble though so sometimes I have to say "noch einmal bitte?" to which he repeats his request a bit more clearly.

When I was deciding which shower gel to purchase I went down to my little local supermarket (which is a bit like a Priceline with some food thrown in) and wandered the isles wondering which one I should buy until I saw this one...

Unfortunately it is yet to deliver on the "happy time" I had in mind! - I'm thinking of writing a strongly worded letter to Nivia pointing out their failure to deliver on said "happy time". But it will have to wait as my German Teacher says that we won't be covering contract law until week 4.

The final photo is of an old friend.....

Yep, I know its hard to imagine but there amongst the assorted figurines...... good old JC. I had no idea they had him in Europe too! The magic of the Internet - who would have imagined ten years ago that we would now live in a world so liberated of traditional cultural and language barriers that this little man would come to be known all the way over here in Germany. I'm yet to travel to Italy but I wouldn't be surprised if they have heard of him there too!

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