Sunday, November 8, 2009

where are you sleep?

It has now just clocked over to 1:00am and I am now officially annoyed that I can't get to sleep. My mind just wont shut down despite the alcohol that has slowed it down somewhat. I am hoping that by emptying my mind onto this screen that I will be able to drift off to sleep. I hope, though that my ramblings don't send you to sleep too.

This weekend we embarked on our once a year visit to IKEA. This is a store that has the potential to send even the most chipper of us into a pit of despair! And that is before you even begin your DIY flatpack nightmare.

As you have probably anticipated, this trip didn't go well...

Everything started quite well as we set of into the drizzle with our bellies full of eggs, mushrooms and tomato courtesy of my lovely wife. Our main mission was to get a new cover for the couch in our apartment that started life cream in colour and then got dyed brown and then green. Suffice to say that Pamela Anderson's dye job is more convincing!

Things at IKEA first started to go downhill a little when my belly started rumbling and my blood sugar began to plummet, but we managed to avert a full scale disaster with a trip to the IKEA Cafe to dine on some delightful meatballs (The sign assured me they were meat but they were unlike any meat I've ever eaten - maybe a weird Swedish beastie?)

So, fighting off indigestion we made our way to the Sofas, picked out the colour we wanted (Red by the way) and then went to an info desk to find out where we could pick up the cover. I told her that we had a 2 seater "Ektorp" Sofa Bed and would like a new cover in Red. She typed away and then gave us the code and the location on the shelves downstairs where we could get it.

We grabbed the cover, along with a few bits a pieces that always find their way into your trolley and commenced our 1 bus and 2 train journey back home, content in the knowledge that I had come out in as good a mood as I had gone in.

This good mood only lasted as long as it took to get home, rip the cover off the couch, take out our beautiful new cover and realize that we had been given the wrong size. The package we took home (and which had no description on it except for the code which matched the one that the "Helpful" woman printed out for us) was for the 2 seater couch without bed which is a completely different size.

After this realisation there was much ranting combined with swearing in 2 different languages (a feat which I am secretly proud of). I eventually calmed down with the help of beer and schnitzel but not before uttering such grandiose statements as "That has ruined my week" and "This would never have happened to Tony Soprano" (I may be watching a little too much tv at the mo).

Wish me luck this week as I head back into the lions den to see if I can get the proper cover! Yay

Its now 1.44am and my not only am I still awake, but I am angry again too!



  1. hehe.. "this would never have happened to tony soprano!"so dramatic charlie! well, it might have happened to tony soprano, but then the "helpful" woman would have been whacked!
