Sunday, November 15, 2009


We have been living in Köln for only 4 months now but we have already had so many visitors. It has been really nice seeing the numerous family members and friends and showing them our favorite spots and discovering new ones together. This weekend Char's Mum and her friend came to stay. We had a great weekend filled with Wine, Cheese, Shopping and laughs and we now know about a lovely cafe in the neighborhood that the ladies discovered.

The weekend was also pretty busy at work too.

First was opening night of Hoffmanns Erzählungen on Friday night. I am singing the role of Wolfram who is one of the students at the start. I only sing a few words but it is a great production. Char, Judy and Jill came to see it and all 3 loved it.

On saturday night I sang in perhaps the strangest venue of my career: A kitchen showroom!

This weekend was a music festival where all sorts of different spaces from private lounge rooms, to foyers of businesses around the city were used as performance venues. My fellow Opera Studio colleagues and I sang a concert of Arias, Duets and Ensembles from various Operas that are being performed this season in Köln.

I sang a bunch of things from Don Giovanni and really enjoyed singing some great music with a group of wonderful singers. The audience were (or should that be "was" - hmmm... I can't decide) lovely - very warm and appreciative. After the concert we stayed for a bit of mingling combined with a glas or three of wine and a bowl of soup...

The perfect way to end a concert!

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