Friday, July 3, 2009


Strawberries are in season now in Germany and they are really yummy. The best ones I have tasted so far were ones that Abe and I picked ourselves while I was visiting him in Nordhausen on the weekend. Near where he lives is a strawberry field and you can go and pick your own for 2 Euro a kilo.

We hand selected only the reddest juiciest ones and soon had a 2.5 kg box full.

When we got home we cut them up and drizzled some balsamic vinegar and sprinkled some suger over half of them and then put them aside for our dessert. We put the other half in a pot and made some jam.

I thought I would test the macro capabilites of my camera on my favorite Strawberry...

Unfortunatly everything doesn't always go to plan and the following morning while I was supposed to be looking after the simmering Jam I started to watch The curious case of Benjamin Button. I think you can work out the rest - It is still to painful for me to put into words...

I did love the movie though.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the picture of Abe with that freaky long hair! I have now been suitably warned before I see him next week.
