Thursday, July 16, 2009

besser spät als nie!

It has been a while since my last post - Apologies everyone.

I have now been in Köln for about 3 weeks. I am living in a suburb called Nippes - which still makes me giggle on the inside every time I see written somewhere. Its only about a 7 min bike ride or 20ish min walk to the centre of town which is very handy indeed. My apartment is small but nice. I bought all the furnishings and appliances from Abe who was living in this apartment last year, which made moving to Germany soooooo much easier as I didn't have to look for somewhere to live and then buy everything (usually in German apartments you even have to bring your own kitchen - all that is there are the pipes coming out of the wall)

I am nearly at the end of my second week of the second block of classes. I'm studying at the Carl Duisberg Centrum and I'm the only Australian here! I don't think there is even a New Zealander! I am really enjoying the mix of cultures and nationalities. My German is improving quite noticably but I am still struggling with the grammar. I think the Australian education systems choice to not teach grammar during my generation has done me a disservice as I have to learn grammar terms and concepts at the same time as the German application (this results in much frustration)

I got a tour of my new Opera House by my new Boss Herr Rupert Burleigh. The original was destroyed, along with almost everything in Köln except the Cathedral, and the replacement is not what I would describe as beautiful but it does have some charm and is quite interesting inside.

Tomorrow night there is a "Disco" at the language school - I'm having some serious flashbacks to my high school days which is the last time that I have used the word without referring to a genre of music. I am picturing a mirror ball and some cellophane covered fluro lights, perhaps some carrot sticks and french onion dip on a trestle in the corner. I really hope it isn't lame.

I will let you know in a few days!

1 comment:

  1. tell tell! what was the disco like? was it anything like the good ol 'plaza bop' ... "let your kids bop while you shop" ... those were the days :)

    now on the '20 min walk' is that with charlie size legs or charmaine size legs?
