Thursday, July 23, 2009

How was the disco?

I'm glad you asked!

Well - I am almost disappointed to confess that the school disco last weekend was a great night. I would much rather regale you with humorous tales of lameness than talk about the 50c beers, the cool music from various parts of the globe and the nice atmosphere. There were even some yummy German snacks - including my favorite... Peanut butter flavored little thingies that are the texture of cheetos! We stayed there till about 2am from what I can remember and then left for a bar that someone recommended. I can assure you that I won't be following his recommendation again! We wandered around the streets looking for the place until some of us got sick of wandering and just went into the next club that we passed - It was OK but I actually prefered the atmosphere at the CDC Disco.

The Disco was organised by Lucas, a 17 yr old who is doing his Zivildienst. In Germany it is compulsary for all males to do 9 months service service in the Military or alternativly, they can elect to do Civil service instead. Most end up working in retirment homes or helping the poor or typical Community service jobs. A few very lucky ones manage to score themselves jobs helping out in places like Language schools. Lucas, who interestingly did an exchange year in Australia a couple of years ago, is in charge of putting together the excursions, sporting events and other extra-curricular activities for us to enjoy when we probably should be studying verb conjugations. It is quite strange in Germany which, from what I have observed, seems obsessed with equality and eliminating discrimination (i guess people can learn from mistakes) that it is only the Men that have to do the service. I have been told that they will be getting rid of the compulsary service and that this will create huge problems for the health/community services industry who have relied for so long on VERY cheap labour.

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