Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pure as the driven snow

Its quite amazing how the first snow of the season transforms so many people into children. On thursday afternoon we got our first snow fall. I was riding my bike to the gym when it started falling and rode past many people gazing out their windows watching the snow falling. When I'd finished at the gym I exited the building to discover a fine white dust covering everything. Char spent a bit of time sitting on our windowsill with a cup of tea watching the snow fall through the light of the street lamps.

The next morning we woke to discover that about 2 inches of snow had fallen during the night, covering everything in a beautiful blanket of white. The park 30 meters from our house was quite pretty.
It is now starting to get seriously cold (well at least for someone has spent the last 4 winters living in Sydney) we have had quite a few days now that have had a top of -1 or 0 and yesterday was -9 for most of the day before dropping to -14.

A few days ago our friends Chris and Adam came to visit and we had a great time at the Christmas markets drinking Glühwein (mulled wine) and eating the sort of food that i'm pretty sure are well out of the running for a heart foundation tick of approval!

I also love the fact that hey serve the Glühwein (or hot chocolate with rum) in real mugs! After paying the 2 euro deposit with the first order you just bring the mugs back everytime you want a refill and when you've had your fill of warm red wine they give you the deposit back (or you let them keep the deposit and throw the mug in your handbag). Imagine how many plastic cups get saved from the landfill! Also, the fact that you have to take them back to get your deposit means that there aren't empty cups and rubbish lying around!

As I write this it is snowing again and I am looking out our bedroom window at a view that has been dramatically improved with the addition of some snow...

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