Monday, August 31, 2009

Nippes Nacht

No I didn't forget a letter in the title. Nippes is the name of the suburb I live in!

Last night was Nippes night and there was a concert in Schillplatz (a small square a 7 min walk from home) starting at 5pm. That finished at 7 and that is when the real fun started...

For 7 Euro you buy a wrist band that allows you entry into about 20 different bars/cafes that all had 2 or 3 bands playing between 7 and 11. It was great - the suburb was alive with all sorts of people wandering around popping in to different bars to listen to some music and have a glass of wine or Beer. Looking at the map on the program I was astonished at just how many places there are to go out within a 10 min walk of my house - Dangerous!

I listened to some funk, German Rock, a cool little Jazz trio, a punk band, a gospel choir (singing lots of Mo-town stuff really well) and then finished it up with a sweet Funk band that was playing at a big outside area. Unfortunately all my friends from the language course had departed that day (or weeks ago) and I went alone. I did meet a few people and had a lovely chat with a German women who's friend was being picked up by one of the guys that I had been talking to earlier in the night.

By 11 I found myself quite tipsy and decided to take the 5 min walk back to my bed. I love festivals that are close to home!

1 comment:

  1. Yeh, word to parties that are within stumbling distance! Hope you are keeping that map with the bars, because its not many more sleeps im knockin on your door :)
